Sunday, April 6, 2008

papers under lamp

from dawn to dusk, the movement of sun have been so historic to everybody's life at any given point of time, that none of us can remember the date when he or she watched the sun to rise or to set for the first time.
but the human mind can easily become nostalgic about the romance of first train journey and the first kiss and in some cases, it tends to remember the whole series sequentially :)
seems that memory gets functional depending upon our expectations.
we tend to remember things that we expect less or crave for, to happen.
trip to delhi was one such thing that i wanted to memorize for several reasons... personal and professional.
and it was the return flight that came up with the personal ones....
after vijay malya's welcome speech, i tuned to ten sports. one of ganguly's innings was air casted in a program called legends.
beams of sunlight continued to change directions on my lap... courtesy window seat :)
they all disappeared suddenly to catch my attention. i looked out of the window...there were clouds under the sun.... like papers under lamp.


AnushaB said...

nice blog...keep writing

Tirtha said...

thanks a lot. but where from did u get the link to my blogspot !!